Your GEM car battery is the most important part of your GEM car, without a working battery you can't get very far. Most batteries have a 5-7 year lifespan if taken care of properly, so how can you improve the lifespan of your GEM car battery?
Increasing Your GEM Car Battery Health
- Keeping your GEM car battery in use and charged is an important piece of extending the life of your battery. If you keep your battery charged 365 days a year it is likely to last longer than a battery that sits on a shelf.
- If you have an older model GEM car you may find that your battery dies even after it has sat on charge. This is due to the fact that older batteries only do a single charge then they finish. There is no cycling or recharging. You can add upgrades to your old GEM car to increase the life of an older battery, these upgrades may include changing your onboard charger out for a direct bolt on charger.
- Keeping your battery clean is also an important part of keeping it healthy. Make sure you clean all plugs and make sure once they are cleaned they are replaced tightly.
- If you have a battery that uses water be sure to keep an eye on the water level regularly. It is a good idea to make sure your battery is charged before adding water.
Using these simple tips may help you to extend the life of your battery. If you need a new GEM car battery or you are looking for parts and accessories for your car, contact the team at GEM Car Parts Direct. We offer the largest range of GEM parts and accessories, allowing you to use your car year round.